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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Absolute Calibration of Sensitivity of Multichannel Detectors Using Laser-Plasma X-Rays Shevel’ko, A. P.

50 Suppl 12 p. S178-S186
2 Axial Holographic Optical Elements Implementation in Augmented Reality Systems Kalinina, A. A.

50 Suppl 12 p. 311-317
3 Ferrielectric Liquid Crystal with a Subwavelength Helix Pitch As an Electro-Optic Medium for Phase Spatial Light Modulators Pozhidaev, E. P.

50 Suppl 12 p. S85-S95
4 Fiber Laser with a Pulse Repetition Rate of Up to 12 GHz and Harmonic Mode-Locking Stabilization Through Optoacoustic Interaction Ribenek, V. A.

50 Suppl 12 p. S1431-S1439
5 Formation of Beams of Charged Particles in Multibeam Systems of an Electric Dipole Configuration at a Multipetawatt Power Level Efimenko, E. S.

50 Suppl 12 p. S680-S688
6 High-Power Multimode Laser Diodes (λ = 976 nm) Based on Asymmetric Heterostructures with a Broadened Waveguide and Reduced Vertical Divergence Slipchenko, S. O.

50 Suppl 12 p. S976-S983
7 New Lasing Mode of a Diode Laser: A 200-Picosecond Leading Edge of a Nanosecond Pulse Pershin, S. M.

50 Suppl 12 p. S383-S388
8 New Results of the DANSS Experiment Taking into Account the Absolute Antineutrino Counting Depending on Distance Skrobova, N. A.

50 Suppl 12 p. 566-572
9 Study of a Semiconductor Disk Laser with a Wavelength of 780 nm Based on a Heterostructure with AlxGa1 –xAs/AlyGa1 –yAs Quantum Wells under Optical Pumping with Different Radiation Wavelengths Kozlovskii, V. I.

50 Suppl 12 p. S1348-S1355
10 Study of Emission Spectra of Cl-, Br-, and I-Containing Targets in the 3‒6.5 nm Spectral Range under Pulsed Laser Irradiation Guseva, V. E.

50 Suppl 12 p. S1042-S1049
11 Vacuum Breakdown in Multibeam Configuration of a Magnetic Dipole Wave Muraviev, A. A.

50 Suppl 12 p. S652-S659
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland